Friday, January 17, 2020

Important dates:
  • NO SCHOOL 1/20
  • FIELD TRIP to McAuliffe-Sherpard Discovery Center 1/23
    • We will be leaving school promptly at 9:00. Please make sure your child eats a hearty breakfast. There will be no time for snack. Chaperones can follow the buses or meet us at the Discovery Center no later than 10 am. If you plan to bring your child home after the field trip, please reach out to me for a necessary form to be completed before the trip.
  • First Grade Market "Save the Koalas" is Thursday, February 6th at 8:30 am. All families are welcome to attend.
    This is our 3rd Annual First Grade Market. This year will be donating all the money raised to help the koalas in fire-ravaged Australia. First graders will be working on a variety of handmade creations to sell at the market. Most items will be sold for $1. Any donations are also welcome! We will work on making and creating in class but they are welcome to create at home too! Last year we raised over $2,300 for The Georgie Badiel Foundation. (This foundation provides clean drinking water for those living in Burkina Faso.) They are so excited to make a difference.
Here's just a glimpse of what we've been working on:
  • Completed a Double Dude craft 
  • Worked on doubles facts
  • Began learning more about nonfiction texts
  • Learned the difference between even and odd numbers
  • Learned about Martin Luther King Jr. 
  • Completed a "peace" quilt with the Koalas
  • Learned if animals can laugh
  • Began working on things to sell at our market 
  • Shared our writing with our buddies

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Remote Learning Update

First of all give your loon a hug for me! I miss them all!!! Secondly, I wanted to reach out and encourage all of you to contact me with a...