Some things we did this week:
- Made "Maps" of our new reading partners, highlighting great partner qualities
- Began learning about money in preparation for our First Grade Mall
- Started our end of year iReady math assessment
- Continued working on writing our own fictional books
- Closely monitored the loon cam, they spent all of Friday swimming around the nest...The eggs are coming soon!!!
- Invented our own STEAM challenge
- Talked about worries then named and drew pictures of them
- Learned about our "wizard brain" (prefrontal cortex) and "lizard brain" (amygdala)
Some things to ask your child:
- What's the name of your worry?
- Who's your new reading buddy?
- How are your plants looking?
- What's going on with the loons?
Important Dates:
- Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL Monday, May 28th
- Friday, June 1st-Wiggin Memorial Library visits our students to kick off their summer reading program. You can bring your child to the town library to sign them up.
- Grand Luncheon- Monday, June 4th
- June 6th-Retirement Reception (After school in the library)
- First Grade Mall- June 7th. Details were sent home last Friday. We would love donations to supply our mall stores. Some items will be made by the students as well. This is an all student led event!
- Field Day- Friday, June 8th Volunteers will be needed. Bring water bottles, sneakers, towel, and an extra change of clothes
- Monday, June 11th- The Ultimate Treasure Hunt will take place for first grade in the afternoon. Please have your child wear sneakers this day and bring a water bottle. We won't need volunteers.
- On Tuesday, June 12th (am only) END OF YEAR CELEBRATION AT STRATHAM HILL PARK. All first grade students will hike to Stratham Hill Park to celebrate a great year together. We would love for you to meet us there anytime from 9:15-11:00. Permission slips were sent home. Please send in $2.50 for the Kona ice truck, if you haven't done so already.
- June 15th...Parent/Community Appreciation. We would love you to join us in the cafeteria at 8:45 to appreciate you, our volunteers!